Strategy Development, Clarity of Purpose & Direction

John Lightfoot


John has been a trusted advisor and mentor for Corinne for several years. His clarity and plain speaking has helped Corinne make some tough decisions and weather the storm of running a small business in recent years. John brings a clarity of directions and strategy that is essential to ensure that Corinne’s creative vision does not get diverted.

John’s consultancy, managing director and mentoring experience is a wonderful and unique combination that will help Creative Heritage Studios CiC achieve the innovative social impact we working towards.

Having mentored Corinne for several years I have watched her vision for combining creative endeavour, social impact and sustainable and ethical commerciality develop and grow into an exciting model which I believe can benefit a wide range of enterprises and individuals. Working with Corinne has influenced my own thinking on business and its influence on the wider community and therefore I was delighted to become a non-executive director of Creative Heritage Studios. Trying to incorporate my background of commercial management into a

Community Interest Company is an exciting proposition and will hopefully support Corinne in delivering on her vision.

Personally, I have always focussed on strategy development and implementation either from a consultancy, advisory perspective or as a General Director or Top Management.

Alongside management consultancy positions in Arthur Andersen and Ernst and Young I have been VP of a large Eastern European conglomerate - over 6,000 employees and Managing Director of a large furniture retail chain. I have also mentored many smaller companies /entrepreneurs and love the early-stage development process of working with driven, passionate and talented people.

My personal passion is to help companies find clarity of purpose and direction and then assist in the measured and managed implementation of this.